Wednesday, February 19, 2014 OWN blog!

So, I'm going to be honest. I was tired of being "left out" of the blog scene. Maybe it's because my co-worker Amber always tells me how cute my work blog is, maybe it's because I think I have something to say that someone cares out hearing (!) or maybe I was just bored while Adam was away at work this week. Who knows! But, any way you look at it, I'm glad to be here. Somewhere where I can write what I want and we all know I have plenty of opinions, so that won't be a problem.

I thought I would start with today. The weather was BEAUTIFUL which I am so unused to, so I had to take advantage of it. Murphy, Staley, Lil Jon, Sean Paul, Jay Sean, Katy Perry, Gaga and I had a terrific walk today. Many of you know this is not always the case. See, Adam (my hubby) and I hate where we live. River Bend, NC, that is. Google it. It sucks. HOWEVER, we are forcing ourselves to make the best of it and for that one hour outside today with my music and my dogs, things were okay. You have to take what you can get people.

Adam and I got married on October 19, 2013 after being engaged for 15 months (don't do this people) and only dating 5 months (did he trick me?). We have been through a lot together and are currently dealing with him working a large territory for Gallagher Animal Management where he travels quite a bit. I work for North Carolina State University as a livestock agent for Cooperative Extension. I love my job, but days like today make me want to strangle somebody. We won't even go there, right Lisa?! (Hence the longggg walk).

So, here's to hopefully accomplishing several things with this blog: I hope someone laughs. We are all in this thing called life together so you might as well laugh. I am extremely opinionated so if you can't take a joke, get the heck off my blog. I hope someone is inspired. To exercise, to get a complimentary Mary Kay facial (ya see what I did there?), to be a better husband or wife and not just completely suck at everything you do! ;) Feel free to leave your comments, but if I don't like them, I'll just delete them. Don't say I didn't tell ya.

Have a great week and here's to hoping the snow stays the heck away! It's time to get to the best place on the entire earth, Topsail. (Ok, maybe besides Bermuda where my second family, The Suttons, have graciously taken me twice - it's THE BOMB). I love Topsail and it will always have a special place in my heart. Here's to the weather today that slightly drug me out of my slump, winter-weather rut, and looking forward to the beautiful, long sunny days ahead. Let's be honest. Everyone is much prettier with a good tan.

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